(1) 2011/09-2014/06,中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,博士
(2) 2008/09-2011/06,中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,硕士
(3) 2004/09-2008/07,中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,学士
(1) 2018/07-至今, 中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,副教授
(2) 2016/01-2018/07,中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,特聘副研究员
(3) 2014/07-2016/01,中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,讲师
(1) 智能药物递释系统研发及产业化
(2) 改良型新药研发及产业化
(1)国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,聚环糊精超分子开关系统定点清除胆固醇结晶治疗动脉粥样硬化,2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31,55万元,在研,主持
(2)江苏省自然科学基金,优秀青年基金项目,定点清除胆固醇结晶的聚环糊精超分子开关系统抗动脉粥样硬化机制研究,2019-07-01 至 2022-6-31,50万元,在研,主持
1. Du, J., Wang, C., Chen, Y., Zhong, L., Liu, X., Xue, L., Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Li, X., Tang, C., Su, Z.*, and Zhang, C*. Targeted downregulation of HIF-1alpha for restraining circulating tumor microemboli mediated metastasis. J Control Release. 2022; 343:457-468. (IF: 11.467)
2. Li, X., Omonova Tuychi Qizi, C., Mohamed Khamis, A., Zhang, C. *, and Su, Z*. Nanotechnology for Enhanced Cytoplasmic and Organelle Delivery of Bioactive Molecules to Immune Cells. Pharm Res. 2022; 39:1065-1083. (IF: 4.580)
3. Zhang, Y., Gong, F., Wu, Y., Hou, S., Xue, L., Su, Z.*, and Zhang, C*. Poly-beta-cyclodextrin Supramolecular Nanoassembly with a pH-Sensitive Switch Removing Lysosomal Cholesterol Crystals for Antiatherosclerosis. Nano Lett. 2021; 21:9736-9745. (IF: 12.262)
4. Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Xue, Y., Wu, Y., Wang, Q., Xue, L., Su, Z.*, and Zhang, C*. Transforming Weakness into Strength: Photothermal-Therapy-Induced Inflammation Enhanced Cytopharmaceutical Chemotherapy as a Combination Anticancer Treatment. Adv Mater. 2019; 31:e1805936. (IF: 25.8)
5. Wu, Y., Zhang, Y., Dai, L., Wang, Q., Xue, L., Su, Z.*, and Zhang, C. An apoptotic body-biomimic liposome in situ upregulates anti-inflammatory macrophages for stabilization of atherosclerotic plaques. J Control Release. 2019; 316:236-249. (IF: 7.9)
施铟 (2021级)
龚芳林、范孝叶、苏进 (2020级)