• 韩凌飞

  • 1、教育经历
    (1) 2016/09-2021/06,中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,博士
    (3) 2012/09-2016/06,中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,学士
    (1) 2021/07-2023/07,中国药科大学,BDY必定赢国际网站多少,博士后
    (1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 82204340, 靶向共性效应分子构建SERS传感体系评价药物杂质的遗传毒性, 2023-01 至 2025-12, 30万元, 在研, 主持
    (2)江苏省科技厅, 青年基金项目, BK20221048, 靶向基因损伤效应分子的通用型细胞传感模型评价药物杂质的基因毒性, 2022-07 至 2025-06, 20万元, 在研, 主持
    (3)中国博士后科学基金会, 面上项目, 2022M723508, 原位免疫抑制响应型水凝胶的构建及“自调式释药”的性能调控研究, 2023-01 至 2025-01, 8万元, 在研, 主持
    1. Han, L.; Zhou, Y.; Tan, Z.; Zhu, H.; Hu, Y.; Ma, X.; Zheng, F.; Feng, F.; Wang, C.; Liu, W., Confined Target-Triggered Hot Spots for In Situ SERS Analysis of Intranuclear Genotoxic Markers. Analytical Chemistry 2023, 95, (15), 6312-6322. (IF 8.008)
    2. Li, J.; Ding, H.; Zhao, Y.; Lin, M.; Song, L.; Wang, W.; Dong, H.; Ma, X.; Liu, W.; Han, L.; Zheng, F., DNA Repair-Responsive Engineered Whole Cell Microbial Sensors for Sensitive and High-Throughput Screening of Genotoxic Impurities. Analytical Chemistry 2023, 95, (34), 12893-12902. (IF 8.008)
    3. Han, L.; Huang, X.; Zhu, H.; Wang, R.; Zhao, B.; Liu, S.; Li, Q.; Qian, W.; Feng, F.; Liu, F.; Xue, J.; Liu, W., Programmed cyclodextrin-based core–shell nanoparticles for cooperative TGF-β blockade to reverse immunosuppression post photodynamic therapy. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 455, 140830. (IF 16.744)
    4. Han, L.; Zhu, C.; Tan, Z.; Wang, J.; Liao, X.; Xia, X.; Wang, C., Integrated separation and detection of exosomes via a label-free magnetic SERS platform. Chemical Communications 2023, 59, (51), 7967-7970. (IF 6.065)
    5. Xie, L.; Lin, H.; Lv, L.; Zhang, W.; Feng, F.; Liu, F.; Liu, W.; Han, L., Rhynchophylline-encapsulating core-shell nanoparticles to overcome blood-brain-barrier and inhibit drug efflux for efficient anti-Parkinson therapy. Applied Materials Today 2023, 30, 101715. (IF 8.663)
    6. Han, L.; Huang, X.; Zhao, B.; Zhu, H.; Wang, R.; Liu, S.; Lin, H.; Feng, F.; Ma, X.; Liu, F.; Xue, J.; Liu, W., TGF-beta1 mediates tumor immunosuppression aggravating at the late stage post-high-light-dose photodynamic therapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother 2023, 72, (9), 3079-3095. (IF 6.630)
    7. Zhu, W.; Qian, W.; Liao, W.; Huang, X.; Xu, J.; Qu, W.; Xue, J.; Feng, F.; Liu, W.; Liu, F.; Han, L., Non-Invasive and Real-Time Monitoring of the Breast Cancer Metastasis Degree via Metabolomics. Cancers 2022, 14, (22), 5589. (IF 6.575)
    8. Han, L.; Wang, Y.; Huang, X.; Liu, F.; Ma, C.; Feng, F.; Zhang, J.; Liu, W.; Qu, W.; Pang, H.; Xue, J., Specific-oxygen-supply functionalized core-shell nanoparticles for smart mutual-promotion between photodynamic therapy and gambogic acid-induced chemotherapy. Biomaterials 2020, 257, 120228. (IF 15.304)
    9. Han, L.​; Wang, Y.; Huang, X.; Liu, B.; Hu, L.; Ma, C.; Liu, J.; Xue, J.; Qu, W.; Liu, F.; Feng, F.; Liu, W., A stage-specific cancer chemotherapy strategy through flexible combination of reduction-activated charge-conversional core-shell nanoparticles. Theranostics 2019, 9, (22), 6532-6549. (IF 11.600)
    10. Han, L.; Hu, L.; Liu, F.; Wang, X.; Huang, X.; Liu, B.; Feng, F.; Liu, W.; Qu, W., Redox-sensitive micelles for targeted intracellular delivery and combination chemotherapy of paclitaxel and all-trans-retinoid acid. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2019, 14, (5), 531-542. (IF 9.273)